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Every projects In One PlacE

Worldwide Anti-Aging Association

To strengthen our influence of global anti-aging association, we are taking the lead in enhancing our innovative capabilities toward leading associations by conducting regional and national specialized projects and exchanging information through networks between global anti-aging partners.

Beauty & Product Development

Constant professional research and development of anti-aging beauty care products for our everlasting health

Anti-Aging Research

Research and development of anti-aging fields customized to keep pace with the latest scientific & societal trend

Our Robust Accumulation of 'Health' Data

Providing both online and offline insight based on customized information from our big data research

Our projects

Our Business Objective

Fulfilling the Principles of Hongik-Ingan Ideology

Global New Healthy Body Movement

Enactment of World Anti-Aging Day

Academic Research Support & Certification Project

Developing a Joint Venture

Publishing Anti-Aging Contents

On/Offline Global Expo

Establishment & operation of anti-aging Care Center

1. Applying the Principles of Hongik-Ingan

The ideology of the Hongik-Ingan, ‘Make the world widely beneficial,’ is a unique ideology of Korea. Through this, we will study and carry out a new body movement campaign to restore the soul and the body.

2. Establishing Official Anti-Aging Day

We will carry out the establishment and commemoration of World Aging Prevention Day. It means a public day in the world that brings together the whole generation and humanity, not just for the sake of aging or for the sake of a particular generation.”.

3. Academic Research Support

We support the domestic and international anti-aging industries and a variety of academic research related to them. In addition, through anti-aging certification projects, public confidence is secured, and various research papers, contents, and publications are published.

4. Training Anti-Aging Professionals

We will discover and promote joint projects through the construction of anti-aging organizations, companies, healthcare, and consultative bodies at home and abroad. At the same time, we expect the effect of job creation through the training of anti-aging professionals.

5. Global Industrial Support

Discovery and support for various anti-aging global industries and networking through online and offline. Based on this infrastructure, we plan to host the World Anti-Aging Expo event.

6. Establishment of Health Promotion Organization

The National Health Promotion Organization will be established to promote national health, and various programs will be planned and provided through various participatory events and anti-aging campaigns.

7. Development of Anti-Aging Products

We will collaborate and develop and supply anti-aging products domestically and internationally in various ways. In relation to this, we expect a balanced synergistic effect by developing anti-aging educational content.

8. Establishment of Care Centers

We will establish comprehensive anti-aging healing care centers in Japan and abroad to contribute to the promotion of anti-aging and health in the local community. We also study the characteristics of each community and provide the services that society needs.

Anti-Aging Program for Women

Life Program for the Middle-Aged and the Elderly

FUll programs of care center

Anti-Aging Healthcare Center

The Anti-aging Health Care Center will operate a balanced mental and physical personalized health program based on the philosophy of the World Anti-Aging Association. We plan to provide managed services that maximize the value of customer experience through trusted relationships with customers as well as on-offline program processes.